Tuesday, April 29, 2014



The house is dark and gloomy.
No one is home to greet us.
Where’s the party that’s supposedly
being held for us?
What is that over there?
A cat with a skull?
Body parts are falling down into
the fireplace from the chimney.
Blood is splattering everywhere.
It’s time to get out of this creepy, house of horrors.
But we can’t!
The rooms are revolving in an endless loop!
We’re trapped!
The Dead Game by Susanne Leist

The house is dark and gloomy.
No one is home to greet us.
Where’s the party that’s supposedly
being held for us?
What is that over there?
A cat with a skull?
Body parts are falling down into
the fireplace from the chimney.
Blood is splattering everywhere.
It’s time to get out of this creepy, house of horrors.
But we can’t!
The rooms are revolving in an endless loop!
We’re trapped!
The Dead Game by Susanne Leist

Death can also be terrible.

The Dead roam the picturesque
streets of Oasis, Florida,
bringing evil and horror with them.
The residents are afraid to leave
their homes once the sun sets.
The evil revolves around End House,
a dark and deserted house,
which sits perched at the edge of a cliff
overlooking the raging waves of the ocean.
Tonight, a party is being held at the house.
The young residents of Oasis are invited.
What awaits them?
Should they attend?
See what they do in The Dead Game by Susanne Leist

Death can also be terrible.

The Dead roam the picturesque
streets of Oasis, Florida,
bringing evil and horror with them.
The residents are afraid to leave
their homes once the sun sets.
The evil revolves around End House,
a dark and deserted house,
which sits perched at the edge of a cliff
overlooking the raging waves of the ocean.
Tonight, a party is being held at the house.
The young residents of Oasis are invited.
What awaits them?
Should they attend?
See what they do in The Dead Game by Susanne Leist


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