Monday, January 6, 2014


     Linda was having problems of her own in her coffee shop. It was lunchtime when the store was usually bustling with activity, but today it was empty of all customers. She couldn’t understand what was wrong and what was keeping people away.
     Right at noon, the store began to shake and tremble. Books rumbled and fell off their shelves. As the shaking intensified, bookcases toppled over one on top of the other—like a line of dominoes. Then as quickly as it had started, the quaking abruptly halted. Linda was left standing alone in the middle of her store with books and broken pieces of shelves scattered all about her.
     At that exact moment, Todd calmly strolled into the bookstore. After seeing all the destruction, he spun around to face her. “What in the hell happened here?”
     To Linda, he seemed shocked and surprised. “It felt like an earthquake had hit my store,” she responded in a small voice. He was frightening her with his sudden surge of anger, even though she knew that it wasn’t being directed at her.
     Todd strode to the front door and put out the “Closed” sign. “There has been no earthquake in town. We must hurry and clean up this mess before anyone else sees it.”
     “Why? Shouldn’t we first notify the sheriff?” She didn’t like cover-ups or vigilantes.
     “I’ll notify the sheriff, but there’s no need to frighten everyone in town.”
     “People need to know that something is wrong in town: too many unsettling things are happening and they need to be prepared for the truth.” She had to stand up for herself and her friends. She didn’t like what was going on in her own town and wasn’t going to hide anything to spare anyone’s feelings or worry about the guilty getting caught.
     “I’ve been working closely with the sheriff, but if we bring this out in the open too soon it might interfere with our ongoing investigation.” Todd stood the bookcases upright again.
     “I really don’t understand this town or your top-secret investigation. I’ll give you a little time, but the truth will be revealed and everything will be out in the open.” Her voice rose in her exasperation. She had to be firm with Todd or else he would never tell her anything; she had to accept the fact that he was hiding things from her.

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